Was a video series originally created by Hayden Jones '20 to give insight to what all goes on behind the scenes for a production with the Department of Theatre Arts. All videos originally aired on our social media platforms, but please enjoy our students work below!
Season 1: The Three Musketeers (Fall 2019)
Episode 1: Dale Magre (D'Artagnan)
Episode 2: Kaleb Faust & William Gunn (King Louis)
Episode 3: Nate Caudill (Dumas)
Episode 4:
Episode 5: Jacob Albrecht (Aramis), Max Harrington (Porthos), & Hayden Jones (Athos)
Season 2: Crazy for You (Spring 2020)
Episode 1: Compilation
Episode 2: Max Harrington & Dale Magre (Bobby Child)
Episode 3: Nate Caudill & Charlie Smith (Bela Zanger)